Sat Naam.
Feiere mit uns das neue Jahr!
Wir laden herzlich zu einer Gurdwara am 5. Januar um 10:00 Uhr im Yogahaus Prasaad ein. Bitte geb uns bis zum 2.1. Bescheid, ob Du kommst.
Zuvor ist von 5:30 – 8:00 Aquarian Sadhana mit Live-Musik und anschliessendem Frühstück, wozu Du auch herzlich eingeladen bist! Wer von etwas weiter weg kommt und möchte, kann gerne am Vorabend anreisen, wir haben eine gewisse Anzahl von Betten zur Verfügung.
Falls dies die erste Gurdwara für Dich ist, sollte Dich dies nicht abschrecken. Im Gegenteil!
Gurdwara bedeutet Tür zum Guru. Guru ist das Licht im Dunkeln, der Weg aus der Dunkelheit ins Licht. Durch den Klangstrom des Shabad Gurus und der Mantren in einer Gurdwara reinigst Du Deinen Mind und kommst in Kontakt mit dem Licht in Dir. Shabd Guru ist der Lehrer des KLangs. Die Shabds und Mantren kommen aus dem heiligen Buch Siri Guru Granth Sahib. Gurdwara ist Meditation, Gebet, Singen von Liedern aus und Lesen des Siri Guru Granth Sahibs. Mehr Infodarüber, was eine Gurdwara ist, findest Du weiter unten.
When you go inside the Gurdwara, through the Guru’s gate, you have affirmed your commitment to the elevation of your soul. You receive the nectar of the Gurbani, which produces an internal state of bliss. The power of the Sadh Sangat (Company of the Holy) magnifies your “chance to uplift the flow of your own spirit.” (KWTC 1977 Vol. 2 p. 354)
“When somebody comes to the House of the Guru, one comes in the most beautiful way possible… It is not where you are, it is not what you are, it is what you project.’…In essence, it is how you project beyond…You rise and consolidate yourself in the morning, dress, look at yourself in the mirror, and all the time your thought is, ‘I am going to the Guru’s house. I am going to present myself before the Guru.’ That is worth a million meditations.”—The Siri Singh Sahib (1977)
Für die Gurdwara benötigen wir noch Sevadars. Bitte gerne melden.
Und diese Einladung gerne auch an andere Kundalini Yoginis und Yogis weiterleiten. Danke!
Welcome to the Gurdwara!
The Gurdwara – the “Door of the Guru” – is a sacred place where the sangat can meet, sit and meditate in the presence of the Guru. All are welcome.
The following pages are intended to orient you and give you the opportunity to more fully participate in any Keertan programmes taking place, which includes prayer and meditation, singing and chanting, and some specific points of protocol and behaviour.
When you enter a Gurdwara you are in the presence of the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, our living Guru. The Sri Guru Granth Sahib is the embodiment of the spiritual teachings in the form of poetic hymns. These were composed by six of the Sikh Gurus and other contemporary saints and Bhagats of India during its Bhakti renaissance.
We enter the presence of the Guru with respect and humility. All that we do, say and think is a reflection of our gratitude, expressed in praise and selfless service.
As an expression of reverence in this sacred place we approach the Guru with bare feet, with hands freshly washed and with our head covered. These external preparations remind us that we have come to cleanse our minds, heal any pain we are carrying in our hearts and open us to experience the Guru’s blessings and the company of the Sadh Sangat.
Upon entering the Gurdwara, we approach the Guru and bow, touching our foreheads to the ground. We bow to no earthly power and to no man, but only to the word of God which is our Guru. Guru means that which takes us from a state of darkness or ignorance to a state of awareness into the light, or that which reveals the mystery (removing the obstacles just as light removes the shadows).
As we bow we make an offering to the Guru (as you give, so shall you receive). It is an offering that empties us in order to be ready to receive. It is the intention more than the amount; the Guru will receive you and respond to you with the same sincerity that you offer.
After bowing, come and sit in the Sadh Sangat. It is often customary that women will sit on one side and men the ofher. This is a polarity, which is balanced by the central position of the Guru. It helps to keep our minds focused on our relationship to the Guru while in parallel to each other (like many pearls on a necklace). Please cross your legs or make sure your feet are pointed in any direction other than towards the Guru (we keep our faces and hearts towards the Guru, not our feet). Children may sit where they like.
We all sit on the floor as an expression of our equality and in a lower position than the Guru as a recognition that the Word is of a higher status. However, for anyone who is physically unable to sit on the floor and needs a chair, please ask.
If you’d like to go out for a break, feel free to do so but please respect the space for other people.
You are now in a Sangat and it is a shared experience. By our love and devotion it becomes a Sadh Sangat (company of saints in the presence of the Guru). Our daily problems can melt away and our separation from the One in All can be healed. Through silent meditation, chanting and Keertan we can feel our communion with the Divine.
In a Keertan programme, the music that you hear is Divine music: the “Shabad” or eternal song of Divine Bliss. The words are composed and sung in a script known as Gurmukhi which is a phonetic written language. It is very uplifting to sing, so please feel free to join in with the singing. But also if you just breathe and listen, it can be a very uplifting experience and the sound current will being many transforming and healing benefits. Please feel free to relax and meditate here.
From the time of Guru Nanak to the time of Guru Gobind Singh, each Sikh Master taught that a person’s own spiritual progress rests within him or herself. A teacher can show us the way. But it is up to each person to walk the path or not.
The sacred songs of the Shabd Guru embodied in the Siri Guru Granth Sahib are the key to one’s own self awakening. When a person, with his or her own lips, tongue and breath, sings the songs of the Enlightened Masters, it begins a chemical chain reaction in the brain. The singing repatterns the neuro-net so that eventually, in time, the student can perceive directly what the Masters spoke about. Then there is Union between the human being and the Divine.
In its earthly form, the Sri Guru Granth Sahib is 1430 pages of sacred teachings or songs. There are a total of 36 contributors to the Siri Guru Granth Sahib. In addition to 6 of the Sikh Gurus, there are compositions from 30 saints from different religions, places and times. These songs are set to 31 different musical scales, called Raags. Raags are very particular musical scales. Different Raags are meant to be sung at different times of day or at different seasons. The spiritual technology for awakening yourself to your Inner Divinity in Sikh Dharma is to pronounce and sing the songs from the Siri Guru Granth Sahib. It is especially powerful to sing them in the Raags in which they are given. But singing or chanting them, in Raag or not, will have a profound healing effect on your body, communication and mind.
The late Siri Singh Sahib Bhai Sahib Harbhajan Singh Khalsa Yogiji (Yogi Bhajan) explained the power of the Raags this way:
„The power and projection of the sound current in the Shabads of Siri Guru Granth Sahib are in Raagas. These Raagas are a methodology of harmonies, they are the play of the life force. The blessings of the Siri Guru Granth Sahib nurtures the trees, humans, bees and birds, demons and angels alike.
„Once the honeybees sat on a branch to create honey. A tape of Gurbani was played at a distance constantly. That beehive gave three times the honey of the other hives.“
Sat Naam
LehrerIn: Bachitar Kaur Karle-de Hommel
Bachitar Kaur ist Ausbilderin in Kundalini Yoga Stufe 1 und 2 sowie in Karam Kriya und unterrichtet und berät seit 2005 weltweit. Sie ist Mutter zweier Söhne, Mitbegründerin des internationalen Ausbildungsinstituts für Kundalini Yoga und Karam Kriya: Cherdi Kala, Co-Initiatorin und Ausbilderin des Divine Woman Programms und leitet Yogahaus Prasaad nahe des Bodensees, wo sie mit ihrer Familie lebt. Bachitar ist starke Befürworterin weiblicher Gemeinschaft und Solidarität und basierend auf Kundlini Yoga und Karam Kriya unterrichtet sie Workshops und Trainings rund um die Themen Female Leadership and Community Building.
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